TREE LOG PAPER BOOK is a series of publications and exhibitions curated by Dell Stewart. Based on the premise of a word association game, it plays on the sometimes random and arbitrary nature of artistic and curatorial decision making. It exists as a poetic experiment and a loose organising principle. Each iteration begins with a one-word provocation, which feature in a new publication launch or exhibition, followed by a series of public programs. As a curatorial premise it prioritises collaboration and the creation of new work, creating opportunities for both artists and writers. Developing new means of exhibiting and working are crucial in helping artists build and nurture an ongoing, sustainable practice.

This project stems from my interests in self-sufficiency, DIY, feminism, activism, experimental music, hospitality and community engagement. As a whole, my practice engages with and redirects materials and networks both personally through my studio practice and on a collective level through collaboration and curation. In this instance the two are inextricably linked, with studio practice informing my consideration of both artists and themes for exhibition and publication. I envision the series as a growing network. Looping back and feeding into an ongoing and growing document and community of practice.

HEAD is a publication that will launch at Bus Projects in December 2022. It features the work of Ali McAnn, Luccreccia Quintanella, Kate Just, Lichen Kelp, Glenn Barkley and Alison Murray. It will also feature work from other artists and writers in response to these works and the theme.

ROCK is a publication that will launch in early 2023. It will feature work from John Brooks, Dell Stewart, Nadine Christensen, James Lemon and others in response to the theme.